2 Questions to Ask About Replacing Broken Garage Door Parts in Chicago

by | Dec 18, 2019 | Garage Door

While your garage door is in basically good shape, a few parts do need replacing. Your first task is to find someone who carries the type of garage door parts Chicago that you need. The second task is to choose them wisely and ensure they are installed properly. Think about these two questions as you begin looking for the right parts.

Is There Any Real Difference Between Original and Third Party Garage Parts?

Assuming the original manufacturer is still producing parts for your door, many contractors will recommend going with original garage door parts Chicago only. If the original manufacturer no longer produces the parts, the contractor will know who is making replacement components using the original standards. Beware that some third parties that take up the production process don’t always turn out parts of the same quality. That’s why you need a contractor who is familiar with the parts and how they are made.

Do I Really Need A Professional To Make The Repairs?

If you want to keep the parts warranty intact and also have some sort of guarantee on the installation, the smart move is to have a contractor complete the job. Doing so increases the odds that the new garage door parts Chicago will be installed properly and even tested before the job is considered done. If you decide to install the new parts yourself, you may have few if any protections.

The goal is to ensure those parts add years of use to your garage door. Choose wisely and the odds of that happening are much higher.

Call Robert’s Garage Door Professionals of Chicago to learn more about how we can help you select the right replacement parts for your garage door.

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