Reviewing Your Submission For An Architecture Competition

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Construct Factory

Working on a project for an architecture competition is often one of the most enjoyable types of projects for students and professionals alike. It allows the use of creativity and vision to design a solution to a hypothetical challenge or problem. At the same time, it does not include some of the specific limitations on real-world projects or program assignments.

The use of creativity does not mean that specific elements are not required in the competition submission. In fact, meeting or exceeding all the listed requirements in the architecture competition brief is essential to be considered by the judges. These specifications can easily be overlooked in the creative process. Taking the time to have the project reviewed before submitting it to the competition is an essential step.

Read the Brief Carefully

Even if you are working as a team, take the time to review the brief and look for each requirement in the final project design. It should be easy to detect and clearly presented within the images submitted. Avoid adding extra images or elements that may create a distraction or prevent clear visualization of the idea.

Independent Review

It is very helpful to have an independent architect or student review the final project. Provide them with the brief and your submission without any explanation or details.

See if the individual can quickly and easily detect the requirements in the project, or make modifications to highlight these elements. Completing this type of review on the project before submitting it to the architecture competition avoids small mistakes that can make the difference in catching the eye of the judges.

For the latest in architecture competition information, be sure to check UNI on a regular basis. Information on the latest in competitions can be found at

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