Benefits Of Roof Coating In Tucson

by | Oct 12, 2017 | Roofing

The roof on a person’s home is its most important structure. It is what keeps dirt and debris out of the home. It is also what protects the home from the elements. If a homeowner wants to be sure that their roof is as healthy as possible, they should consider Roof Coating Tucson. There are several benefits of having a coating added to the roof.

Reduced Energy Costs

During the summer, the sun beating down on the roof can increase the temperature inside by seven to 10 degrees. An Energy Star roof coating will reflect the UV rays from the sun away from the roof, keeping it cooler in the home. This will reduce energy costs during the summer.

Extended Lifespan of the Roof

The roof coating will add waterproof protection to the roof. It will also protect the roof from the sun’s UV rays. These are two things that can reduce the lifespan of the roof. When the homeowner adds the roof coating, it will give the roof a longer life, and it will also reduce the need for maintenance on the roof. This can save the homeowner a great deal of money.

Effective On a Variety of Roofing Materials

Roof coating is very versatile. It can be used on asphalt shingle roofs, metal roofs, galvanized metal, wood roofs, and composite roofs. Regardless of the roofing material that a homeowner has on their home, the roof coating can be extremely beneficial.

Avoid Early Roof Replacement

If a homeowner has minor damage or leaks on their roof, they may choose to have the roof replaced before more damage can occur. Roof coating would be able to repair these problems, which would help them avoid replacing their roof early.

Resists Fading

Over time, the UV rays of the sun can cause the color of the roof to fade. This can have a negative effect on the appearance of the house. If the homeowner has their roof coated, it will keep the sun from fading the roof, keeping it looking better, longer. The roof on the house is very expensive. Because of this, it is up to the homeowner to protect their roof for as long as possible. One great way to protect a roof is with a Roof Coating Tucson.

For more information on roof coating and its benefits, contact Ralph Hays Roofing or Click here.

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