Reasons to Avoid Delaying a Pool Repair in Houston

by | Jan 12, 2016 | Swimming Pool

While the pool is in generally good condition, there are some minor issues that need to be addressed. Since they don’t seem to interfere with the function of the pool, it is tempting to put off calling a professional. Keep in mind that choosing to delay any type of Pool Repair in Houston is not in the best interests of the owner. Here are some of the things that could happen.

The Problem Gets Worse

Consider the issue with a rip in the pool liner. Certainly it is still safe to swim in the pool, but things are getting worse with every passing day. The rip is allowing water to seep under the liner. In addition, that rip will only become larger over time. A problem that originally could be resolved with the right type of patch now requires replacing the liner entirely. There may even be some additional damage to the pool walls that now has to be resolved before the new liner can be put in place.

Murky Water

If the nature of the repair has to do with the pump or the filtration system in general, expect the water to be less than pristine as the days go by. Even skimming the pool manually every day will not slow down the process. Unless the family enjoys swimming in water that is the consistency of soup, it makes sense to call a professional, find out what is wrong with the filtration system, and authorize the necessary repairs.

Slow Drains

Since the pool does have to be drained from time to time, the last thing the homeowner wants is to deal with a clog. Even if the clog is only partially blocking the drain, it will slow down the process of letting the water out and being able to clean the pool walls. Having a professional deal with the clogged drain will mean that the next round of cleaning will be easier to manage.

For help with any type of pool repair, contact us and set up a date and time for a service call. After taking a good look at the pool, it will be possible to isolate the problem and determine what must be done to resolve the issue. At the same time, the team will determine if any additional work is needed to prevent another problem from arising in the short term.

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